
The Saree - it covers the right amount and exposes the right amount

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Hi everyone.

hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the spring vibes that has finally arrived. The weather has changed and sun is shining. Yesterday I was wearing my balarinas and no jacket until 21 in the evening. I can't wait for the temperature to increase, more sunshine, deliciously ice cream, dinner outside, dresses and all the functions that comes up very soon. Most of all Tamil people will be super busy from now on, attending all the weddings, puberty ceremonies and other parties, not to mention all the temple festivals. 

When going to a function we always have so many attires to chose from. Saree, lengha, Punjabi suits and list is long. Traditionally we will wear the saree, colorful amazingly designed Sarees. This blog post is about the saree. So I hope you guys enjoy it, and maybe will think about the saree and the history and tradition behind it next time you wear it. 

The saree is the female clothing from india. In the history the saree is tracked back to the Indus Valley Civilisation, which was 2800-1800 BC. In the beginning the Sarees were made of cotton, and silk Sarees were woven around 2450 and 2000 BC. The dye that they used to color the Sarees back then, are still used the day today: indigo, lac, red madder and turmeric. The saree is associated with grace and is widely regarded as a symbol of grace in cultures of the Indian subcontinent. 

The word sari is described in Sanskrit, and means: "strip of clothes". It's a long drape that's usually 4,5 to 8 meters, which is draped around the waits, with one end draped around the shoulder, baring the midriff. The saree is worn over a petticoat, or a underskirt that we would call it. Also a fitted upper garment, that we call blouse is neccasary when wearing a saree. This blouse is usually cropped at the midriff. There is a lot of different styles to wear the saree. The "correct" and most common way to wear it is the way we srilankan and South Indian wear it. Nowadays it is very common among our young generation to try to wear it different style. Use different styles of blouses as well. My favorite way to wear a saree is to wear a silk saree in the traditional way, with pleated border, and 3/4 long sleeve blouse, when its for wedding and puberty ceremony. When it's birthdays I like to experiment a little bit, both with the blouse and the way to wear the saree. The pant style saree is definitely one of my favorites. Please have a look at the post i already wrote about the pant style saree. 

There is also scientific reasons for why it's healthy to wear a saree. The picture shows how you can control the decreasing and increasing insulation, just by the way you wear the saree. This was discovered by a Indian researcher after several studies made. Another very interesting post was written by Manoj Saboo who describes the energies that we all have, and how the saree affects those energies. It might not be useful for many to read this, and might be a bit sceptical. But if you believe en energies and how they can affect us, his theory is quite interesting. 



We all human beings are broadly made of two kinds of elements, Energy and Consciousness. First one is female in nature and the second is considered male. A woman has predominantly female energy and the man has male elements. The healthy energy movement in our body, and in Earth and in the Universe is all in the same way, it moves in circles. That’s is why a woman body is more curvy. To remain healthy, energies in our body should keep moving in circular motion. Any energy coming towards our body first touches our clothes and then it enters into the body and its energy channels and then to the internal organs . Sari is worn in circular motion around body. It keeps circling until almost until the end. So it is easy to understand that when an energy touches the sari, it travels in circles around the body, helping the energy move in the correct way, which makes the saree a winner in clothing. It helps to keep our mind, body and soul healthy. Another, good part is that, while energy traveling in 5-6 yards of cloth, the negative energies coming inside gets stuck in the cloth and it then cleans up with washing. These kind of heavy energies are lazy and cannot move a lot. In the atmosphere it travels with air. However, a cloth with lot of stitches, actually confuses the energy and is harmful for health. There is one very important thing to remember that the clothing should be made with natural fabrics like cotton. Synthetics are big energy blockers and quite harmful for overall health. The mid part of the body is left uncovered in Sari, for which some feel that it exposes the skin. Actually, there is a big reason behind that too. The stomach area which is left uncovered, is the "Brahmasthan" of the body. Body receives a lot of life force energy from this area.  This should be left open always. Even in Vaastu Science, the centre part of the house called "Brahmasthan", and is left open to sky

I am one of those people who don't really believe in the stuff that Mr. Saboo describes, but it still floats around in my mind after reading it. And somehow I have respect for those kinds of theories. No matter what I find the saree absolutely amazing. I think it's a very classy, decent, charming and yet sexual attire to wear. I myself, own way too many Sarees, not that I wear them a lot, but I like to have a selection :) 

Nothing makes a woman look more beautiful like a saree does !! 

Until next time

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